THE LAWYERS, FAMILY MEMBERS AND KEY-WITNESSES (in alphabetical order) F. Lee Bailey Defense Attorney Denise Brown Nicole Brown Simpsonīs sister Juditha Brown Nicole Brown Simpsonīs mother Lou Brown Nicole Brown Simpsonīs father $Nicole Brown Simpson §Show Graphic@@ COUPL O. J. Simpsonīs former wife, died at age 35, met O. J. when she was 18; Police released $ @911 Calls@@ NICLE that show that O. J. even continued battering her after their divorce. Tanya Brown Nicole Brown Simpsonīs sister Marcia Clark Deputy District Attorney, member of the Los Angeles Special Trials Unit, Lead-Prosecutor in the case. She prosecuted Robert John Bardo, who killed actress Rebecca Shaeffer. Johnnie Cochran Lead-Defense Attorney, also represented Michael Jackson in his child molestation case. Al Cowlings Close friend of O. J., drove the $ white Ford Bronco during @The Chase@@ CHASE. $ He made a @911 Call@@ 911AC to tell police that he had Simpson in the car. $ %Play Sample@@ 911AC Christopher Darden Deputy District Attorney, Prosecutor, held the first part of the prosecutionīs opening statement. John DeBello Owner of "Mezzaluna"; He found the glasses of Nicoleīs mother. Alan Dershowitz Defense Attorney Linda Deutsch AP Correspondent, for some time the only journalist to be present during the questioning of the would-be jury. Jo Ellan Dimitrius Simpson Defense Team Jury Consultant Carl Douglas Defense Attorney Mark Fuhrman Detective with the L.A.P.D., found the bloody glove on Simpsonīs property. He was the first one to enter the Simpson estate. His racial statements revealed on the so-called $ @Fuhrman Tapes@@ FURMN created outrage not only among the black community. Gil Garcetti Los Angeles County District Attorney Cmdr. David Gascon Commander of the Los Angeles Police Department, announced at a $ @Press Conference@@ GASCN that O. J. Simpson had not turned himself in and that they where now searching for him. $ %Play Sample@@ GASCN Fred Goldman Ron Goldmanīs father Kimberly Goldman Ron Goldmanīs Sister Ronald Lyle Goldman The other victim, friend of Nicole Simpson, age 25 at time of death, full time waiter, part time model, often worked out with Nicole. $ §Show Graphic@@ GLDMN Scott Gordon Deputy District Attorney Josephine Guarin Simpson Housekeeper William Hodgman Deputy District Attorney, Prosecutor Lance Ito Superior Court Judge, 44 years old, Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley Law School graduate, Member of the Japanese American Bar Association, married to the highest ranking female LAPD officer. In 1992 he presided over the savings & loan trial of Charles Keating Jr. and sentenced him to 10 years in prison. Brian "Kato" Kaelin Friend of O. J., stayed at the guest house, heard a scaring noise the $ night of @The Murders@@ MURDR. $ %Play Sample@@ NOISE Lisa Kahn Deputy District Attorney, Prosecution DNA Expert. Robert Kardashian Friend of O. J. Simpson; He read $ @The Letter@@ LETTR Simpson left his family before his disappearance. Tom Lange Detective with the L.A.P.D. He participated in the search of O. J.īs $ house the night of @The Murders@@ MURDR. Cheri Lewis Prosecution DNA Expert Rosa Lopez The defenseīs surprise witness claims she saw O. J.īs Ford Bronco parked in front of his estate at the time the murders allegedly occurred. Peter Neufeld Defense Attorney Allan Park Limousine driver, took O. J. to the $ airport the night of @The Murders@@ MURDR. Barry Scheck Defense Attorney Robert Shapiro Simpson Attorney, successfully defended Marlon Brandonīs son $ Christian. §Show Graphic@@ COURT Arnelle Simpson O. J. Simpsonīs grown-up daughter, lived with her father. She was born on the day her father won the Heisman Trophy. Eunice Simpson O. J. Simpsonīs mother Jason Simpson O. J.īs grown-up son Justin Simpson O. J.īs and Nicoleīs little son O. J. Simpson The former football star is the $ suspect in the case; §Show Graphic@@ ARRST For further information check out $ the @Profile@@ PRFLE. Sydney Simpson O. J.īs and Nicoleīs little daughter Gerald Uelmen Defense Attorney Philip Vannatter Detective with the L.A.P.D., supervised the search of Simpsonīs house. Allen Wattenberg Owner of "Ross Cutlery" where Simpson bought a knife six weeks before the murders were committed. Howard Weitzman Former Simpson Attorney END